If you are familiar with AWS services Usage Billing reports you might have noticed there are two types of billing for EC2. Once for the EC2 Compute resources and it does not include Storage, EIP and some other resources attached with the EC2. AWS has categorized all those costs in to “EC2 – Other”. So,…
Tag: Script
AWS Services Cost and Usage report
In my previous blog I wrote about AWS EC2 cost and usage report using AWS SDK for powershell. It was just for EC2 instances as obviously EC2 instances are one of main contributor to our AWS bill every month. However, we also wanted to have a cost and usage report for all deployed resource types…
WinRM status check using Powershell
Here is another small script snippet I used in one of my project to quickly check status of WinRM setup on a list of servers I was managing. This was part of a bigger project work, and this data was important for my project on whether WinRM is setup as per requirements or not. You…
Complete Azure Inventory using Powershell
Update : updated script to support Azure Az powershell module. It is always great to have a script handy which will produce a quick azure resource inventory for your azure subscription. It may not contain all properties of azure resource types, however, just provide you information about the resource type, resource name, resource group etc….
Azure VM Monitoring agent status using powershell
Update : updated script to support Azure Az powershell module. Hey friends! Today I am going to share a new Powershell script I created to generate a report of Azure VM Monitoring Agent extension configuration. I usually run this script to find out how our Azure VMs have been setup with Azure Log Analytics Workspace….
AWS EBS Snapshot inventory
Amazon EBS Snapshot is point in time copy of Amazon EBS(Elastic Block Storage) volumes attached with EC2 instance. We usually take snapshot just to make a baseline system by freezing the state in a snapshot and using it as a source to deploy other similar system. Sometimes, we do take snapshot as a way of…