Azure DevOps is a Microsoft product which provides version control, project management, automated builds, lab management, testing and release management,Code repository capabilities. It covers the application life-cycle and enables DevOps capabilities. Organizations using Azure DevOps allow users to login and perform different job roles including manage repositories, work items, perform build and release management etc….
Tag: Automation
Create Azure DevOps User Story using Powershell
In my previous post I talked about creating Azure DevOps(ADO) Task from ITSM Incident. I am going to talk about another use case today. We will create ADO User Story work item from ITSM Change Management Ticket. As mentioned in my previous post, Engineering team is using ADO to track their activities, where as rest…
Create Azure DevOps Task using Powershell
Azure DevOps(ADO) is a Microsoft product that provides version control, reporting, requirements management, project management, automated builds, lab management, testing and release management capabilities. It covers the entire application life-cycle, and enables DevOps capabilities. Today I am going to share a script block to create ADO Work Item, specially Task using Powershell. My initial goal…
Azure AD application Certificate expiration report
Update : updated script to support Azure Az powershell module. Once we register an Application with Azure AD, we configure Secrets or Certificates or sometimes both. This is required to set up application authentication and authorization, Sign-On or OAuth authorization service etc. The secret or the certificate we set on the application has an expiry….
Apply Tags on Azure resources
Update : updated script to support Azure Az powershell module. In my previous blog, I talked about benefits of tagging and how to tag resource groups using powershell. A script was also provided with some standard example tags – like, Environment, Budget Category, Application etc. Let’s keep on working on the same situation like last…
Apply tags on Azure Resource Groups using powershell
Update : updated script to support Azure Az powershell module. Many of you can relate to a situation when you have a large cloud environment to manage with hundreds or thousands of resources, however, no way to organize them as those were not set up with proper naming convention or tagging . Tagging is one…
Azure AD application Client Secret expiration report
Update : updated script to support Azure Az powershell module. Azure AD Application is an identity with some configurations on cloud. When you register an Azure AD application in Azure portal , two objects are created in your Azure AD Tenant : An application object A service principal object Application object An Azure AD application…